From the vapor phase to the liquid phase , the temperature jumps near the interface . therefore , it is difficult to accurately measure the temperatures near the interface . this may be the main reason of the large difference between the evaporation / condensation coefficients obtained from different experiments 由于界面处存在明显的温度跳跃,界面温度的准确实验测量难度较大,这很可能是文献报道的蒸发/凝结系数的实验研究结果数据分散程度较大的主要原因。
Basing on this opinion , i have researched the theory of correlative effect among industries , which has been triumphantly used in the adjustments of japan ' s and korea ' s industries structure . in the view of correlative action to each other between any two industries , this theory clarifies the mind that those industries which have more effect upon other industries in the whole economy should be made more consideration when adjusting the industries structure 在此思想指引下,笔者考察并研究了曾经为日本、韩国等国成功运用于产业结构调整的产业关联效应理论,该理论从分析产业间相互作用的效果入手,提出并阐明了那些在整体经济中对其他产业影响程度较大的行业更应被优先考虑的观点。