稀释: dilution; thinning; attenuat ...因素: factor; element稀释因数: dilution factor稀释因子: diluenting factor; diluting factor; diluting tank; dilution factor烟囱稀释因数: stack dilution factor有限稀释因子: limit dilution factor保释因子: moisturizing factor稀释: [化学] dilution; thinning; attenuation; deliquate; dilute◇稀释处理化 dilution; 稀释剂 diluent; attenuant; thinner影响尿液浓缩和稀释的因素: the factors affecting the concentration and dilution of the urines因素: s factor因素: factor; element 决定因素 decisive factor; 积极因素 positive factor; 关键因素 the key facter; 致病的因素 factor in the causation of disease; 社会因素 social factor; 主导因素 leading factor; 基本因素 essential element; 人的因素 the human factor; 调动一切积极因素 bring every positive factor into play; 考虑到各种因素 taking all factors into consideration; 决定战争的各种因素 various factors that determine the war; 勤奋和机遇是他成功的两大因素。 industry and opportunity were the chief factors in his success稀释度稀释: dilution稀释剂,稀释液: diluent稀释剂;稀释的: attenuant高稀释: highly diluted氦稀释: helium dilution快稀释: fast cut back尿稀释: urine dilution使稀释: rarefy未稀释: undiluted稀释;况稀: cutback稀释比: dilute ratio; diluting ratio; dilution ratio稀释槽: diluting tank; dilution trap; dilution well稀释层: diluent zone稀释池: diluting tank