

  • fissure of displacement
  • rent of displacement
  • 裂缝:    rent; rip; hiatus; tear; rif ...
  • 移位:    bit shift; carry over; delocalization; delocalize; dislocation; dislocsted; displace; disposition; movement; permutation; replacement; shifting; sweeping; t78_tmove; translocate; translocation; transport; transposition; transversion; travel motion; yw
  • 裂缝:    1.(裂开的缝儿) rent; rip; hiatus; tear; rift; crevice; crack; fissure 岩石的裂缝 crevices in a rock; 弥合裂缝 span a rift; 地上的裂缝 a fissure in the ground2.[地质学] fracture; rupture
  • 单位裂纹传播能:    unit crack propagation energy
  • 移位, 移位操作:    shifting


        裂缝:    rent; rip; hiatus; tear; rif ...
        移位:    bit shift; carry over; delocalization; delocalize; dislocation; dislocsted; displace; disposition; movement; permutation; replacement; shifting; sweeping; t78_tmove; translocate; translocation; transport; transposition; transversion; travel motion; yw
        裂缝:    1.(裂开的缝儿) rent; rip; hiatus; tear; rift; crevice; crack; fissure 岩石的裂缝 crevices in a rock; 弥合裂缝 span a rift; 地上的裂缝 a fissure in the ground2.[地质学] fracture; rupture
        单位裂纹传播能:    unit crack propagation energy
        移位, 移位操作:    shifting
        ph移位:    ph shift
        半移位:    half-shift
        侧移位:    lateral displacement
        长移位:    long shift
        肠移位:    transposition of intestine
        峰移位:    peak shift; peak-shift
        骨移位:    diostosis
        后移位:    backward shift; pull back; retruded position
        换位;移位:    transposition
        角移位:    angular di lacement; angular displacement
        蓝移位:    blue shift
        面移位:    planar translation
        偏移位:    offset bit
        纱移位:    yarn shifting
        舌移位:    lingual placement
        肾移位:    displacement of kidney
        使移位:    dislocate
        双移位:    double shift
        脱格;移位:    dislocation
        尾移位:    caudal displacement


  1. "移位累加器"英文
  2. "移位垒包"英文
  3. "移位理论"英文
  4. "移位链"英文
  5. "移位量寄存器"英文
  6. "移位露头"英文
  7. "移位逻辑"英文
  8. "移位逻辑指令"英文
  9. "移位码"英文
  10. "移位脉冲"英文


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