Dynamic weighing system is as a second - order system and set it up model , then has its transform function laplace transform and z transform , at last has a formula that m is only relation to the system parameters . this article has system identified with the recursive least square ( rls ) method , and has the system parameters , while the auto - regressive - moving - average ( arma ) model for the second order weighing system is firstly derived . and has a equation which the mass is only correlation to the system parameters 论文具体分析了定量称量问题,首先是把称量系统看作是一个二阶系统,建立数学模后,进行拉普拉斯变换和z变换后得出一个质量仅与系统参数有关的关系式,从而把称量问题转化为一个系统参数识别问题来解决。通过编写的程序来采集系统信号并进行处理(运用渐消递推最小二乘法)对系统参数进行识别,从而得出称量结果。