

发音:   用"称量结果"造句
  • weighing results


  1. Dynamic weighing system is as a second - order system and set it up model , then has its transform function laplace transform and z transform , at last has a formula that m is only relation to the system parameters . this article has system identified with the recursive least square ( rls ) method , and has the system parameters , while the auto - regressive - moving - average ( arma ) model for the second order weighing system is firstly derived . and has a equation which the mass is only correlation to the system parameters


        称量:    metage; weighing; weigh
        结果:    result; outcome; fruit; endi ...
        标量结果:    scalar result
        测量结果:    measured effects; result of a measurement
        定量结果:    quantitative result
        测量结果归化:    result reduction
        最终测量结果:    final measurement
        测量,测量方法,测量结果:    measurements
        测量结果显示和统计:    display measurement results and statistics
        称量:    metage; weighing; weigh◇称量车 track scale; larry; 称量滴定管 weight buret(te); 称量房 weighing house; 称量给料器 weigh-feeder; weigher feeder; 称量计 weightometer; weigh hooper; 称量皮带 weigh belt; weighing belt; 称量器 weighter; 称量台 weight-scale table; 称量体重 [体育] weighing-in; 称量员 weighter; 称量装置 measuring apparatus
        测量结:    measuring junction
        结果:    结果bear fruit; fruit 这棵树不结果。 this tree bears no fruit.; 结果年龄 [植物学] bearing age; 结果枝 bearing branch; bearing shoot
        称量筒,称量桶:    weighing tank
        超标量结构:    superscalar architecture
        大量结晶:    bulk crystallization; mass crystallization
        定量结构:    d-m (determiner-measure) construction; d-m construction
        流量结构:    traffic mix
        能量结算:    energy balance; energybalance
        生物量结构:    biomass structure
        向量结构:    vector structure
        称量槽:    weighing tank
        称量车:    scale car; track scale; weigh car; weigh larry car; weighing car
        称量带:    weigh belt; weighing belt
        称量斗:    scale hooper; scale hopper
        称量段:    weighing transducer


  1. "称量机 称量器 过秤机 磅秤 计重器"英文
  2. "称量机 地秤 地衡 地中衡 桥秤"英文
  3. "称量计"英文
  4. "称量加料器"英文
  5. "称量轿底"英文
  6. "称量控制器"英文
  7. "称量筐"英文
  8. "称量框架"英文
  9. "称量矿槽"英文
  10. "称量料"英文


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