

发音:   用"积云参数化"造句
  • cumulus parameterization
  • 积云:    cumulus; cumulus cloud
  • 参数:    parameter
  • :    change; turn; transform
  • 积云参数化法:    cumulus parameterization scheme
  • 参数化:    parameterization; parameterize; parametric; parametrization


  1. The horizontal scalelength of model variables ( u . v . t , p and q ) is closely related to the average time of nmc technique and convective parameteric scheme of mm5 which affect the 12h and 24h outputs of mm5 integration
    、 、 、 t 、 p和q )对应的误差水平尺度与nmc方法中预报误差的平均时间长度和模式提供1zh和24h预报所选用的积云参数化方案有直接的关系。
  2. Mm5 has a ability of simulating zwd on the whole with a bias larger than zhd ' s , which manipulates the bias of ztd simulation . the increase of mm5 resolution can improve the ability of simulating and depicting zhd , zwd and pw distribution . kf , bm and grell parametric schemes have a close ability of simulating pw at the beginning of 10 - 11h integration of mm5 model , and then the prediction bias of pw increases obviously after 20 - 21h integration
    在mm5模式24h积分的前10 11h ,选用kf 、 bm和grell三种积云参数化方案模式对可降水量的预报偏差基本接近,对可降水量具有较好的预报能力,其后三种积云参数化方案对可降水量的预报偏差差异增大,模式积分至20 21h后对可降水量的预报能力明显减小。
  3. The results also show that the precipitation forecast of the system is very sensitive to cumulus parameterization scheme , planet boundary layer ( pbl ) scheme and radiation scheme . for smaller meshes , the grell cumulus parameterization scheme is better than the other three cumulus parameterization schemes that are also tested in the experiments
    数值模拟试验结果还显示,模拟降水预报对积云参数化方案、边界层参数化方案、辐射参数化方案等比较敏感;在网格比较小时, grell积云参数化方案优于本文试验的另外三种积云参数化方案。



  1. "积怨"英文
  2. "积怨很深一下子难以消除"英文
  3. "积怨甚多"英文
  4. "积悦"英文
  5. "积云"英文
  6. "积云参数化法"英文
  7. "积云的一种"英文
  8. "积云底"英文
  9. "积云对流"英文
  10. "积云加热"英文


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