租用线路: leased line从: follow公用: for public use; public; comm ...数据: data; record; information网: net商: discuss; consult处: place租用: rent; hire; take on lease的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...通信: communication; communicate b ...线路: circuit; line租用线路(特定通信线路)租用专线: leased line租用线路: leased channel; leased circuit; leased line; leased-line; line, leased租用线路网: lln leased line network租用的线路: ll leased line数字租用线路: dll digital leased line虚拟租用线路: vll租用线路信道: leased line channel租用信道,租用线路,租用通道: leased channel租用线路数据传输服务: leased circuit data transmission service宽带租用线路网络: wblln wideband leased line network租用线路电话网络: leased line telephone network数据通信线路: data link专用组租用线数据网: private leased-line data network公用数据网: common data network; pdn public data network; pfm pbic data netwok; pfm public data network; public data networks(pdns); public dedicated data network