秘鲁: Peru行政区划: administrative divisions街道 (行政区划): subdistrict苏木 (行政区划): sum (country subdivision)行政区划: administrative divisions; regionalism行政区划界: administrative boundary行政区划图: administrative map阿曼行政区划: administrative divisions of oman埃及行政区划: governorates of egypt澳洲行政区划: states and territories of australia巴林行政区划: governorates of bahrain巴西行政区划: states of brazil波兰行政区划: administrative division of poland不丹行政区划: districts of bhutan丹麦行政区划: regions of denmark德国行政区划: states of germany法国行政区划: administrative divisions of france古巴行政区划: provinces of cuba韩国行政区划: administrative divisions of south korea湖南行政区划: list of administrative divisions of hunan加纳行政区划: regions of ghana加州行政区划: list of counties in california江苏行政区划: prefecture-level divisions of jiangsu捷克行政区划: regions of the czech republic老挝行政区划: provinces of laos