秘密: secret; clandestine; confide ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...三: three观点: point of view; viewpoint; st ...法蒂玛的三个秘密: three secrets of fatima从这个观点: in this view秘密碉堡里的三个恶棍: kakushi toride no san akunin; the hidden fortress另一个观点是…: another way of looking at the matter is在这个观点中: in this view秘密的: backdoor; backstairs; cabinet; clandestine; closet; confidential a. secret; cryptical; delightful; furtive - open / forthright / brassy; furtively - candidly; heimlich adj; hole-and-corner; hugger-mugger; in secret; in the dark; inmost; inner; inside; interior; occult - bare / patent; pop; quiet; secretive; sly; sneak; stealthy; subterranean; surreptitious; undercover; underground; underhanded秘密的,机密的: confidential a. spoken or written in secret提出这样一个观点: develop the idea that机密的秘密的: confidential secret暗中的,秘密的: clandestine保守秘密的: close 2地下的,秘密的: underground极秘密的: hush-hush秘密的,私下的: in secret秘密的,奥秘: secret秘密的,化妆的: undercover秘密的,神秘的: cryptic秘密的;隐蔽的: secret秘密的爱: secret love秘密的呼唤: secret call秘密的花园: himitsu no hanazono