I asked , but he said he could n't tell me the recipe because it was esoteric . 我问了,但是他说他不能告诉我那药方,因为那是秘传的。
The main dish was roast pork with source that requires a esoteric recipe 主菜是烤猪排加上秘传的酱汁。
Scholar of the cathol ic arcane 天主教秘传的专家,
Scholar of the cathol ic arcane 天主教秘传的专家,
Not only are the cognitive contents of the subuniverse esoteric , but even the existence of the subuniverse and of the collectivity that sustains it may be a secret 不只次领域中秘传的认知内容保密,连其本身的、集体的存在都是秘密。