Chairman and chief executive officer , computer and technologies holdings limited 科联系统集团有限公司主席兼行政总裁
The esd system also enables business organizations to conduct electronic transactions on a state - of - the - art portal and stimulate e - commerce development in hong kong . hutchison has an 85 per cent stake in the joint - venture company while compaq holds 15 per cent . the new company will work closely with it partners including microsoft , oracle , nortel and c t computer and technologies holdings ltd . to develop the esd system 新财团以和记及康柏电脑为首,其中和记占百分之八十五股权,康柏则占百分之十五,并将与其他资讯科技伴紧密合作,包括微软microsoft甲骨文oracle北电网络nortel和科联系统ct等,全力开拓公共服务电子化系统。