

发音:   用"科技城"造句


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Where is the breakthrough to build up mianyang science and technologic city
  2. Drotective mearures taken for pile foundation in the foundation pit excavation of
  3. Digital technology city
  4. The cyber gateway is the phase - ii of hitec city , and it offers all the facilities offered in cyber towers
  5. The giant arch in front of the building stands as a gateway to the rest of hitec city and hence the name


        科技:    science and technology
        :    city wall; wall
        纬壹科技城:    one-north
        海德拉巴科技城:    hitec city
        世界科技城市联盟:    world technopolis association; wta
        第二届世界科技城市联盟大会:    wta
        科技:    (科学技术) science and technology◇科技版 science and technology page; 科技创造 scientific and technological creation; 科技成果 scientific and technological achievements; 科技成果商品化 commercial use of scientific discoveries; 科技词典 scientific and technical dictionary; 科技大学 university of science and technology; 科技工作者 scientific and technical worker; 科技攻关 tackle key problems in science and technology; 科技法制 legal system of science and technology; 科技管理学 management of science and technology; 科技规划 program for the development of science and technology; 科技合作协定 agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation; 科技交易会 science-technology fair; 科技界 scientific and technological circles; 科技进步 advance of science and technology; 科技开发潜力 scientific and technological potential; 科技期刊 technical journal; 科技情报 scientific and technical information; 科技情报机构 scientific and technical information institution; 科技人才 skilled personnel; scientists and engineers; qualified technical personnel; 科技人员 scientific and technical personnel; brainpower; technician; 科技人员合理流动制度 system of rational interflow of scientific and technical personnel; rational system for transferring scientific and technical personnel; 科技摄影 photography in science and technology; 科技术语 sientific and technical terminology; 科技体制 scientific and technological system; system of managing science and technology; 科技体制改革 reform of scientific and technological system; 科技型企业 scientific and technological enterprise; 科技政策 technology policy; 科技指导 guidance in science and technology; 科技咨询活动 scientific and technological consulting services; 科技资料传送 ursigram
        bfg科技:    bfg technologies
        爱科技:    akg
        安科技:    arm limited
        达科技:    oxsi
        大科技:    moderne wissenschaft und technik; super science
        低科技:    low tech
        电子, 科技:    electronics ,technology
        高科技:    high technology◇高科技产品 high-tech product; 高科技领域 high-tech area
        海科技:    marine turbine technologies
        华科技:    adlink technology
        科技版:    science and technology page
        科技部:    ministry of science and technology; science and technology department
        科技长:    cto
        科技潮:    science & culture science-tech waves
        科技处:    science and technology department
        科技船:    explorer science vessel
        科技的:    technic; technological
        科技地:    technologically



  1. "科技产品和服务的市场管理"英文
  2. "科技产业组织"英文
  3. "科技长"英文
  4. "科技长廊"英文
  5. "科技潮"英文
  6. "科技成果"英文
  7. "科技成果产业化"英文
  8. "科技成果产业化进程加快"英文
  9. "科技成果及其转化讲座"英文
  10. "科技成果奖"英文


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