And your girlfriend ' s also from cordoba 你的女朋友也是科尔多瓦的吗?
Bolatti , of argentina ' s belgrano de cordoba , is set to move to europe at the end of this season , which was confirmed by his club ' s president , armando perez yesterday 阿根廷科尔多瓦市贝尔格拉诺俱乐部的保拉迪,预定在这个赛季结束后转会欧洲,他的俱乐部主席佩雷斯昨天也已经证实
In the 13th century , under ferdinand iii , the saint , cordoba ' s great mosque was turned into a cathedral and new defensive structures , particularly the alc ? ar de los reyes cristianos and the torre fortaleza de la calahorra , were erected 公元13世纪,西班牙国王费尔南德三世时期,科尔多瓦大清真寺被改建成大教堂,一些新的防御性建筑也建了起来,特别著名的有基督教国王城堡和卡拉奥拉高塔要塞。
Cordoba ' s period of greatest glory began in the 8th century after the moorish conquest , when some 300 mosques and innumerable palaces and public buildings were built to rival the splendours of constantinople , damascus and baghdad 公元8世纪,摩尔人占领了西班牙,于是科尔多瓦进入了它的鼎盛时期,在这段全盛时期中,城中建起了约三百座清真寺,数不清的宫殿和公共建筑以与君士坦丁堡、大马士革和巴格达的辉煌繁荣相媲美。
科: a branch of academic or voca ...尔: you多: many; much; more瓦: tile; put tiles on a roof; c ...科尔多瓦报: cordoba科尔多瓦多: cordovado科尔多瓦峰: cordova pk科尔多瓦港: puerto cordoba科尔多瓦纳: cordovana科尔多瓦尼: cordovani; kordovanyi科尔多瓦皮: cordwain科尔多瓦山: cordoba sa. de科尔多瓦省: cordoba dep. del; cordoba prov. de; córdoba province科尔多瓦湾: cordova bay科尔多瓦半岛: cordoba pen科尔多瓦矿村: cordova mines科尔多瓦皮革: cordovan科尔多瓦新镇: villanueva de cordoba科尔多瓦羊毛: cordova wool伊万科尔多瓦: iván córdoba埃利亚斯科尔多瓦: elias cordova恩里克科尔多瓦: enrigue cordova科尔多瓦哈里发: caliphate of córdoba科尔多瓦哈里发国: caliph of córdoba科尔多瓦历史中心: historic centre of cordoba