People can have different rank , while science has not ; the philosophy of science also has not it 人是可有阶级性的,然而,科学是没有阶级性的,科学的哲学也是没有阶级性的。
In truth , they were children together , so far as love was concerned , and they were as naive and immature in the expression of their love as a pair of children , and this despite the fact that she was crammed with a university education and that his head was full of scientific philosophy and the hard facts of life 事实上,就爱情而论,他们俩都是孩子,在表达爱情上也都幼稚,不成熟,尽管她脑子里塞满了从大学学来的知识,他也有满脑子科学的哲学思想和实实在在的生活经验。
科学: science; scientific knowledg ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...哲学: philosophy我的哲学的发展: my philosophical development第一章 中医学的哲学基础: ancient philosophic basis of tcm自然科学中的哲学问题: problems in the philosophy of science货币的哲学: philosophy on money镜子的哲学: br /our mirror尼采的哲学: the philosophy of nietzche科学技术与社会发展中的哲学 硕士: m philosophy of science, technology and society psts科学的历史和哲学研究: studies in history and philosophy of science科学历史与哲学的研究: studies in history &philosophy of science生命科学的历史与哲学: history and philosophy of the life sciences哲学的: philosophical法国的哲学家: bergson肤浅的哲学家: philosophaster荷兰的哲学家: spinoza化学中的哲学: philosophy in chemistry史蒂夫的哲学: the tao of steve希腊的哲学家: diogenes引导性的哲学: orientative philosophy英国的哲学家: bentham东方国家的哲学: philosophies of the east即人文主义的哲学: the philosophy of humanism擅长推理的哲学家: a philosopher skilled in deduction