The value in science is one of the significant interactive bridges between science and the general value purpose of human beings 科学中的价值是科学与人类一般价值目标互动的重要桥梁之一。
科学: science; scientific knowledg ...与: take part in; participate in人类: human; mankind; humanity科学与人类生活: science and human life科学医学与人: science medicine and man民族学与人类学所: institute of ethology & anthropology社会学与人类学: chinese sociology and anthropology; sociology/anthropology社会科学与人文科学: social sciences & humanities解剖学与人类生物学: anatomy and human biology心理学与人类性别杂志: journal of psychology & human sexuality中国社会学与人类学: chinese sociology and anthropology与人类: red blood兼谈修辞学与人类生态观念: the space of language activity-on rhetoric and humanity ecology conception文学与人生: literature and life教育与人类: education and human being空气与人类: air and man乳品与人类: dairy news瘟疫与人类: plagues and peoples与人类工程: ergonomics- safety与人类精神: earth in the balance植物与人类: plants and man鲨鱼与人类: sharks and people:guess which is more a danger to the other国际哲学与人文科学理事会: icphs; international council for philosophy and humanistic studies加拿大社会与人类科学学会: canadian sociology and anthropology association微生物与人类: holographic biology