Ms . stewart ' s presence in baikonur inspired wide speculation that she and mr . simonyi ? friends for about a decade ? were planning to announce their engagement 斯图尔特夫人在拜科努尔的出现让大家猜测她和西莫尼可能会宣布订婚,他俩是10多年的好朋友了。
Baikonur , kazakhstan - a soyuz rocket carrying an american astronaut lu and russian cosmonaut malenchenko blasted off for the international space station on saturday 拜科努尔,哈萨克斯坦本周六,美国宇航员卢和俄罗斯宇航员马伦岑科乘坐soyuz宇宙飞船飞往国际空间站。
" in order to make great leaps in space exploration . private companies and the government need to work together , " she said at a news conference at the cosmodrome in baikonur 在拜科努尔发射基地召开的新闻发布会上,她说: "要在太空探索方面取得重大进步,私营企业和政府需要齐心协力。
" in order to make great leaps in space exploration . . . private companies and the government need to work together , " she said at a news conference at the cosmodrome in baikonur 在拜科努尔发射基地召开的新闻发布会上,她说: "要在太空探索方面取得重大进步,私营企业和政府需要齐心协力。
The japanese satellite , with a 15 - year designed lifespan , will provide tv broadcast and telecommunication service for clients in japan , asian - pacific region and hawaii , said the japanese satellite company jsat 在星期四的早些时候,一枚携带有日本通讯卫星的俄罗斯火箭在拜科努尔航天发射场发射升空。