Growth of watermelon seedlings under three light intensities were investigated on four cultivars with different seed sizes 摘要以种子大小不同的4个品种为试验材料,研究了西瓜幼苗在不同光照条件下的生长状况。
The results showed that large - seeded cultivars demonstrated higher seedling height , bigger root volume and larger biomass accumulation 结果表明,小种子西瓜幼苗高度增长率大于大种子品种,子叶净光合速率和干重积累量与种子大小正相关。
The size and shape of the seeds , and the position of the hilum are of no important systematic significance , but the protruding degree of the hilum , the shape of the testa cells and the pattern of their cell walls , particularly the appendages of the in ner side , are of important value in the phylogenetic consideration of the tribe hyoscyameae 各属植物的种子大小、形状及种脐着生位置的系统学意义不大。但是,种脐突出与否、种子外种皮细胞形状和周壁式样,尤其是周壁内侧附属物等性状具有较大的分类学意义。