

发音:   用"私自买卖"造句
  • buy and sell privately
  • buy and sell without authorization
  • buy or sell without authorization
  • 私自:    privately; secretly; without ...
  • 买卖:    buying and selling; business ...
  • 私自:    privately; secretly; without permission 私自逃跑 escape secretly; 私自出售公物 sell public property without authorization; 本阅览室参考书不得私自携出。 no reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without permission
  • 自买避孕剂:    otc; over-the-counter contraceptive
  • 私自, 擅自:    without authorization


  1. 4 purchasing or selling securities in a client s account without the client s authorization , or purchasing or selling securities under the name of a client
  2. Article 45 those who buy or sell foreign exchanges privately , under disguise , or for profiteering purpose shall be warned by foreign exchange administrations , forced to sell their foreign exchanges , have their illegal incomes confiscated and fined at above 30 per cent and below three times their illegally traded foreign exchanges , or be affixed with legal responsibilities if they commit crimes
    第四十五条私自买卖外汇、变相买卖外汇或者倒买倒卖外汇的,由外汇管理机关给予警告,强制收兑,没收违法所得,并处违法外汇金额30 %以上3倍以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。


        私自:    privately; secretly; without ...
        买卖:    buying and selling; business ...
        私自:    privately; secretly; without permission 私自逃跑 escape secretly; 私自出售公物 sell public property without authorization; 本阅览室参考书不得私自携出。 no reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without permission
        自买避孕剂:    otc; over-the-counter contraceptive
        私自, 擅自:    without authorization
        私自,心中:    to oneself
        买卖:    1.(生意) buying and selling; business; deal; transaction 做成一笔买卖 make a deal; 买卖兴隆。 the business is brisk. 快到夏天的时候, 买卖又景气起来。 business began to pick up towards summer. 他做羊毛买卖。 he's in the wool business.2.(商店) shop; 买卖合同 business contract; bargain; 买卖婚姻 mercenary marriage; venal marriage; 买卖人 businessman; trader; trafficker; merchant; 买卖人口 deal in human beings
        私自起货:    land goods without permit
        私自收养:    private adoption
        私自逃跑:    escape secretly
        私自涂改:    unilateral amendment
        私自下货:    ship goods without permit
        营私自肥:    feather one's (own) nest to enrich oneself by unlawful means; plan private interest and enrich oneself
        自私自利:    (act) selfish(ly); egoistic; egotistic; look after one's own interests; self-centred; selfishness; self-concerned 毫无自私自利之心 absolute selflessness; 自私自利是可鄙的。 selfishness is contemptible
        自私自利的:    egoistical; self-serving
        自私自利者:    egotist
        自买药物,非处方药物:    not prescribed drug; over the counter drug; over the counterdrug
        船员私自离船:    desertion
        私自出售公物:    sell public property without authorization
        私自离船船员:    deserter
        私自离开船只:    go over the side
        毫无自私自利之心:    absolute selflessness
        私自离船的船员:    deserter
        违法监禁, 私自监禁:    extralegal imprisonment
        营私自肥,中饱私囊:    feather your own nest


  1. "私自出售公物"英文
  2. "私自存取计算机中资料者"英文
  3. "私自离船船员"英文
  4. "私自离船的船员"英文
  5. "私自离开船只"英文
  6. "私自起货"英文
  7. "私自收养"英文
  8. "私自逃跑"英文
  9. "私自涂改"英文
  10. "私自下货"英文


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