禾本科植物: grass淡: thin; light禾本科植物: gramineous plants; grass family禾本科植物稻: oryza sativa禾本科植物粟: setaria italica beauv硬禾本科植物: hard grasses多年生禾本科植物: perennial grass根茎禾本科植物: rootstock grass禾本科植物白茅: imperata cylindrica beauv. var. major c. e. hubb禾本科植物大麦: hordeum vulgare禾本科植物黑穗病: gall of cereals禾本科植物黑痣病: tar spot of grass禾本科植物芦苇: phragmites communis trin禾本科植物青秆竹: bambusa tuldoides munro禾本科植物小麦: triticum aestivum禾本科植物薏苡: coix lacryma-jobi l. var. ma-yuan stapf为禾本科植物糯稻: oryza sativa硬性禾本科植物: hard grass长在海边的防砂用禾本科植物: marram淡竹叶: common lophantherum herb; common lophatherum herb; folium lophatheri; henon bamboo leaf; herba lophatheri; lophatherum gracile禾本科型地表植物: chamaephyta gramminidea属于禾本科的植物: grass淡竹叶粉末: lophatherum herb假淡竹叶: centontheca lappacea禾本科: [植物学] the grass family◇禾本科牧草 gramineous pasture; 禾本科植物 grass