多年: many years的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...瑞: auspicious; lucky比: 2离家多远: how far ls lt from home多年的: perennial; secular多年的顽石: rock of ages生了多年的气: stay angry for years多年的艰辛劳动: years of hard work经过多年的发展: helvetica阔别多年的老朋友: a long separated old friend已有500多年的历史了: the gutenberg bible was printed on a hand press with type made of lead致失散多年的朋友: to a long lost friend终年的;多年生长的: perennial离家: li jia多年的, 长久的, 由来已久的: of long standing多年的租赁款项承付: multi-years lease commitment经过改革开放20多年的发展: with more than 20 years of the development of opening and reform酒 是我多年的知己和朋友: when sincere music were singed to utmost忍不了许多年的荒凉: years of abandon make it unbearable她有三十多年的艺龄: she has been on the stage for over thirty years在多年的艰苦劳动后: after years of hard work赫瑞比: frances horibe瑞比西: giovanni ribisi乌瑞比: juan uribe