

[ rángzāi ] 发音:   "禳灾"的汉语解释   用"禳灾"造句
  • make efforts to avert calamity by offering sacrifices
  • :    avert by prayers
  • :    disaster; calamity
  • 忐忑:    perturbed; mentally disturbed
  • :    动词[书面语] (禳解) avert (a misfortune or disaster) by prayers
  • 忐忑不安:    be very upset; be in fidgets; be in a rather nervous state; be on nettles; be overwhelmed with anxiety; be thrown into [put in; put into] a flutter; feel troubled and uneasy; fret and fume; ill at ease; nervous and uneasy; uneasy at heart


  1. Two methods are employed by shigongs ( folk masters ) to get rid of catastrophe and seek fortune for the people , in " communication " with the spiritual beings , the folk masters will fist perform dances , called " ruan gong fu " ( soft arts ) to curry favor with the spiritual beings for reconciliation ; then they will perform magic arts , called " ying gong fu " ( hard arts ) to contend against the spirits to eliminate catastrophe
    摘要壮族民间师公为了实现其为民禳灾祈福的职能,其“沟通”鬼神的手段集中体现在歌舞与法术两个主要方面,前者是师公必备的“软工夫” ,表现为搬演歌舞诌媚鬼神以与鬼神“和解” ;后者是师公要掌握的“硬功夫” ,表现为施行法术驱鬼消灾以与鬼神“较量” 。


        :    avert by prayers
        :    disaster; calamity
        忐忑:    perturbed; mentally disturbed
        :    动词[书面语] (禳解) avert (a misfortune or disaster) by prayers
        忐忑不安:    be very upset; be in fidgets; be in a rather nervous state; be on nettles; be overwhelmed with anxiety; be thrown into [put in; put into] a flutter; feel troubled and uneasy; fret and fume; ill at ease; nervous and uneasy; uneasy at heart
        禧之助:    kinosuke
        忐忑不安, 紧张如坐针毡:    on nettles
        禧之佑:    kinosuke
        忐忑不安的刺客:    fidgity assassin
        禧之介:    kinosuke
        :    名词[书面语] (怨恨) rancour; resentment
        禧之辅:    kinosuke


        禳灾的俄语:pinyin:rángzāi * отвращать бедствие (жертвоприношением, молитвой, заклинаниями)
        禳灾什么意思:  1.  《文选‧张衡<东京赋>》: “冯相观祲, 祈禠禳灾。”    ▶ 李善 注: “禳, 除也;灾, 祸也。 谓求祈福而除灾害也。”    ▶ 宋 邵雍 《无名公传》: “人告之以修福, 对曰: ‘未尝为不善。 ’人告之以禳灾, 对曰: ‘未尝妄祭祝。 ’” 明 王玉峰 《焚香记‧盟誓》: “大王到时, 怕有焚香酬愿...


  1. "禧之辅"英文
  2. "禧之介"英文
  3. "禧之佑"英文
  4. "禧之助"英文
  5. "禳"英文
  6. "忐忑"英文
  7. "忐忑不安"英文
  8. "忐忑不安, 紧张如坐针毡"英文
  9. "忐忑不安的刺客"英文
  10. "怼"英文


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