禁止: prohibit; ban; forbid超越: surmount; overstep; transcen ...禁止超越线: no passing; no-passing line禁止超车: do not pass; no overtaking禁止超车区: non-passing zone禁止超高: don't exceed height limit禁止超载: don't exceed weight limit; overload prohibited禁止超车标志: overtaking prohibited sign桥上禁止超车: no overtaking on bridge禁止超车路段线: no passing zone markings; no-passing zone markings禁止超车 此文由英语作文网收集整理: do not pass超越: surmountoversteptranscendsurpassoverreachoverswing禁止: prohibitbanforbid防止超支: prevention of overspending of appropriations中止超时: abort timeout超越;超越度;过冲: overshoot超越, 胜过: transcend超越,胜过: surpass; transcend超越,超过: go beyond超越船: overtaking ve el; overtaking vessel超越的: excellent; transcendental超越点: offending point超越度: overshoot超越峰: beyond the summit超越基: transcendence basis