- mystery customer
- 神秘: mysterious; mystical
- 顾客: customer; shopper; client; p ...
- 神秘: mysterious; mystical 神秘人物 a mysterious person; a person shrouded in mystery; 把某事搞得神秘化 make a mystery of sth.; 不可测知的神秘事物 an impenetrable mystery; 她的身世中有一个神秘之处。 there was a mystery hanging over her antecedents.; 神秘感 mystique; 神秘观念 mystery; solemn wonder; 神秘化 make a mystery of; 神秘性 mysteriousness; mystery; 神秘主义 mysticism
- 顾客: customer; shopper; client; patient 招徕顾客 secure [draw] customers; 向顾客收钱 charge customers; 老顾客 regular customer; 旅馆的顾客们 hotel clients; 发现那美容院挤满顾客 found the beauty shop filled with patients; 满意的顾客是最好的广告, 这是商界的格言。 it is an axiom in the business world that a satisfied customer is the best advertisement.; 顾客服务台 a customer service desk; 顾客盈门 do a land-office business; 顾客至上 customers highest
- 神秘,秘密: mystery