神: god; deity; divinity父神: abba神父: abba; abbe; catholic father; o pastor; ordain; priest神探: mad detective; to catch the uncatchable父神达贡: father dagon父神受苦说: theopaschites荣耀归于父神: to god be the glory盎神父: rev. ambrosi luigi奥神父: padre pio高神父: rev. raimondi timoleone mem神父、法师: reverend主神父: father master型神探: inspector gadget - advance mission g本堂神父: parish priest戴遐龄神父: rev. riganti antonius pime杜神父路: pére dugout route疯狂的神父: nacho libre疯狂神父: nacho libre; untitled jack black project古神父路: route pere huc汉纳西神父: father hennessey怀特神父: father white金神父路: route pere robert军中神父: chaplain of army柯林神父: father charles coughlin拉比和神父: 25.a rabbi and a priest