That brought on the "bhagavad-gita" . 所以才讲起《大神之歌》来。
But zeus, the chief of the olympian gods, gave law to mankind as his greatest present . 而奥林匹斯山众神之首宙斯把法律作为他最伟大的礼物赐予了人类。
Much good had come to florence since the dim time of struggle between the old patron and the new . 自从新旧保护神之争的黑暗时代以来,佛罗伦萨得到了许多好处。
Charles, if you think bertha's position excuses her blasphemies, then i think you ought to be ashamed of yourself . 查尔斯,如果你认为伯莎的处境可以开脱她的渎神之罪,那么你应该为自己感到羞耻。
He of sedge and bee , king of kings , son of ra , 拥有上下埃及,王中之王,太阳神之子
神: god; deity; divinity精神之: spiritual神之宠: michale神之岛: island god extended神之道: the word of god神之滴: god's drop神之法: trucidation神之风: emperor神之弓: hgos神之剑: ghk神之力: geburah神之门: kaminokado神之刃: dragon slayer神之手: god hand神之乡: godshome神之消: the vanishing of the mind神之裔: revelation神之子: child of god; divi filius; son of god爱神之箭: cupitors arrow爱神之音: lotus obsidian cupid voice count down iii ii i o……release斌 - 爱神之箭: djcoolman vs djkennyx承神之佑: deo gratias厨神之宣萱: thx to vicky传神之笔: a vivid touch赌神之神: diy san ji san; god of gamblers; return from the other world