社区: community保健护士: health nurse保健护士: public health nurse; health nurse社区保健: district health社区保健站: community health setting职业保健护士: occupational health nurse社区保健硕士: master of community health精神卫生护士,心理保健护士: mental health nurse社区保健,社会保健,地段保健: community health社区保健硕士,社区卫生硕士: master of community health注册心理健康保健护士: registered mental health nurse妇女儿童的社区保健: community care for women and children社区保健组织,社会保健组织,地段保健组织: community health organization非洲社区保健问题国际会议: international conference on community health in africa社区保护地: ccas保健护理工作: health nursing service妇幼保健护理: maternal and child health care家庭保健护理: home health aides精神保健护理: mental-health nursing社会保健护理: community health nursing预防保健护理: preventive care社区护士: community nurse澳大利亚社区保险公司: australian community insurance co超级英雄之社区保卫战: hey arnold! the movie社区医疗保健制度: community healthcare system