社会风气: social conduct; the standard ...量表: scale社会风气: condo(minimu); general mood of society; social atmosphere; social morality败坏社会风气: degrade social conduct毒化社会风气: debase social morality改进社会风气: improve public morals污染社会风气: debase the standards of social conduct转移社会风气: change prevalent social customs败坏党的名声和社会风气: tarnish the reputation of the party and degrade social conduct实现社会风气的根本好转: bring about a fundamental turn for the better in the standard of social couduct实现党风和社会风气的根本好转: bring about a fundamental improvement in party conduct and in general social conduct气量表: air meter; gas meter=gasometer; gasmeter; gasometers社会风尚: create a society with high ethical standards foster healthy social conduct; moral values; social graces social graciousness; social morality; social morals社会风俗: soc-l custom; social customs; socialcustoms社会风险: social risk; society risk气量表气量计: gasometer社会风俗小说: the novel of manners道德法, 社会风化法: moral law社会风俗的沿革: the evolution of social customs危害社会风纪文学: comstockery社会量表: social scale崇尚科学的社会风尚: form civilized healthy and science - upholding social practice形成良好的社会风尚: create a society with high ethical standards foster healthy social conduct风气: general mood; atmosphere; common practice; fashion; ethos 社会风气 current tendencies in society; social mode; 风气很盛 become rife; 蔚成风气 become a common practice; 我们要养成勤俭节约的好风气。 we should cultivate the good habits of diligence and frugality.; 风气内动 endogenous wind; 风气疝 [兽医学] gas colic社会成熟量表: social maturity scale