

  • mill
  • :    mill; millstones
  • :    machine; engine
  • 选矿厂:    beneficiation plants; prepar ...
  • 选矿厂:    concentrater; concentrating mill; concentratingmill; concentrator; dressing works; mineral separation plant; ore concentration plant; ore dressing plant; ore treatment plant; oreconcentrationplant; oredressingplant; oretreatmentplant; preparation plant; washing plant
  • 磁力选矿厂:    magnetic mill; magnetic plant


        :    mill; millstones
        :    machine; engine
        选矿厂:    beneficiation plants; prepar ...
        选矿厂:    concentrater; concentrating mill; concentratingmill; concentrator; dressing works; mineral separation plant; ore concentration plant; ore dressing plant; ore treatment plant; oreconcentrationplant; oredressingplant; oretreatmentplant; preparation plant; washing plant
        磁力选矿厂:    magnetic mill; magnetic plant
        大型选矿厂:    mammoth mill
        捣矿机 选矿厂:    oremill
        化学选矿厂:    chemical concentrator
        湿法选矿厂:    wet-milling plant
        中心选矿厂:    customsplant
        重力选矿厂:    gravity mill
        锶矿选矿厂:    strontium ore dressing plant
        双流程选矿厂:    two-stream preparation plant
        选矿厂尾矿设施设计规范:    zbj1-90
        选矿:    [矿物学] milling of ores; ore dressing; mineral separation; beneficiation; mineral concentration◇选矿厂 beneficiation plants; preparation plant; preparator; concentrating mill; dressing-works; ore dressing plant; concentration plant; washing plant
        捣矿厂:    stamp mill
        磨机:    abrasive grinding machine; grinder; mill
        球团矿厂:    pelletizing plant; pelletizingplant
        洗矿厂产品:    washery product
        洗矿厂用水:    washery water
        磁选矿:    magnetic concentration; magneticconcentration
        精选矿:    finished ore; ore concentrate; washed ore
        选矿;磨碎:    milling
        选矿比:    concentration ratio; concentrationratio; ratio of concentrarion; ratio of concentration; upgrading ratio
        选矿槽:    hutch


  1. "磨坏的;破损的"英文
  2. "磨坏的螺纹"英文
  3. "磨坏了的"英文
  4. "磨机"英文
  5. "磨机(火石机)"英文
  6. "磨机衬里"英文
  7. "磨机给料"英文
  8. "磨机给料器"英文
  9. "磨机滚筒筛"英文
  10. "磨机矿浆"英文


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