磋商: consult; exchange views; hol ...邀请: invite函: case; envelope参展商邀请函: invitation letter from exhibitor邀请函: einladung; invitation letter参展商邀请: invited by the exhibitors报价邀请函: request for quotations; rfq request for quotation地狱邀请函: invitation to hell第二章 邀请函: invitation letter聚会邀请函: party invitation投标邀请函: ifb invitation for bid; invitation for bid一封邀请函: a letter of invitauon建议书邀请函: rfp request for proposal; rfrequest for proposal邀请函复印件: copy of invitation letter for applicant主办单位邀请函: invitation letter from organizer建议书邀请函征求建议书: request for proposals是我儿子给我发的邀请函: this is the invitation letter from my son请函: lelter of invitation磋商: consult; exchange views; hold a discussion 与某人磋商某事 consult with sb. about sth.; 磋商可以通过预约安排在其它时间。 consultations can be arranged at other times by appointment. 两位律师就此案作了磋商。 the two lawyers consulted on the case. 他们退到另一房间秘密磋商。 they retired to another room for private consultation澳大利亚当地朋友的邀请函: invitation from a friend in australia联系了这些是他们的邀请函: yes. here are their letters of invitation这是我在奥克兰的女儿给我发的邀请函: here you are. it is from my daughter in auckland邀请: invite 发出邀请 send an invitation; 应某人邀请 at the invitation of sb.; 邀请代表团来中国访问 invite the delegation to visit china; 邀请国 host country; 邀请赛 [体育] invitational tournament; 邀请书 invitation; 邀请者 inviter磋商者: negotiant; negotiator讲价, 磋商: drive a bergain