碾米: rice milling商: discuss; consult联合会: federation; union工商联合会: commercial and industrial association; joint chamber of commerce and industry酒商联合会: cmbb市工商联合会: handan municipal federation of industry and commerce俄罗斯工商联合会: russia federation of chamber of commerce and industry菲律宾工商联合会: philippines chamber of industry and commerce非洲供水商联合会: uade; union of african water suppliers国际保理商联合会: factors chain international; fci国际古书商联合会: international league of antiquarian booksellers国际零售商联合会: figed; international federation of retail distributors国际书商联合会: ibf; international booksellers federation美国广告商联合会: advertising federation of america美国零售商联合会: american retail federation; arf美中工商联合会: us-china industry & commerce association尼泊尔工商联合会: federation of nepalese chambers of commerce and industries欧洲出版商联合会: fefederation of european publishers欧洲化学商联合会: federation of european chemical marchants; federation of european chemical merchants欧洲药剂商联合会: ced; european druggists' confederation欧洲药商联合会: european druggists' confederation汽车经销商联合会: nada全国零售商联合会: national federation of retailers瑞士工商联合会: swiss federation of commerce and industry世界广告商联合会: wfa; world federation adverdisers; world federation of advertisers