Jane muir on efforts to reduce carbon emissions in an english village 简?缪尔讲述了英国一村庄减少碳足迹的努力。
Luxembourg is the worst country for its and the uk comes fourth from the bottom on that rating 卢森堡的碳排放量“碳足迹”最多,英国在这一指标上排名倒数第四。
Luxembourg is the worst country for its carbon footprint and the uk comes fourth from the bottom on that rating 卢森堡的碳排放量“碳足迹”最多,英国在这一指标上排名倒数第四。
Luxembourg is the worst country for its carbon footprint and the uk comes fourth from the bottom on that rating 卢森堡的碳排放量( “碳足迹” )最多,英国在这一指标上排名倒数第四。
Making china ' s workplaces energy efficient is an important way of reducing the country ' s carbon footprint . an innovative scheme now means that students can get involved 提高办公室的能源效率是中国减少碳足迹的一重要方面。目前,学生可以通过一创新计划来加入这样的努力。