This specificity probably resided in the sequence of base pairs along the molecules . 这种专一性可能寄寓在分子的碱基对顺序之中。
Conventional sequencers evaluate about 1 , 000 base pairs at a time 传统定序仪一次约只能评估1000个碱基对。
Uracil - - a pyrimidine found in rna that base - pares with adenine 尿嘧啶- -核糖核酸中的一种嘧啶,与腺嘌呤形成碱基对。
The large numbers of hydrogen bonds that form between the base pairs along a dna or rna molecule stabilize the double helix 这些互补碱基对之间形成的大量的氢键可以维持双螺旋结构的稳定。
The full - length cdna of ttom1 , 1280 bp in length , encodes a deduced 288 a . a . protein with 7 - pass explasmic domains Ttom1全长cdna有1280个碱基对,编码288个氨基酸,有7个跨膜区,是个典型的跨膜蛋白。
碱基: basic group对: answer; reply错配碱基对: mismatched base pairs互补碱基对: complementary base pair碱基对比例: base pair ratio碱基对比率: base-pair ratio碱基对顺序: base pair sequence碱基对突变: base-pair mutation碱基对误配: base pair mismatch碱基对置换: base pair replacement; base-pair replacement; base-pair substitution千碱基对: kb pair; kbp; kilobase pair【生物化学】碱基对。: base pair碱基对互补原则: complementary base pairing rules碱基对取代作用: base pair substitution; basepairsubstitution千碱基对,dna双链分子的1千对碱基: kilobase pair碱基: [化学] basic group◇碱基堆积 base stacking标碱基: alkalimetric standard二碱基: amino acids, dibasic碱基;碱: base碱基比: base ratio碱基数: base number巨碱基: megabase千碱基: kilo bases; kilobase纤碱基: kb:kilobase小碱基: base minor