- run across
- 碰巧: by chance; by coincidence; h ...
- 碰见: meet unexpectedly; run into; ...
- 碰巧: by chance; by coincidence; happen to 在那里碰巧我有认识人。 there chanced to be someone there i knew. 碰巧我昨天看见了他。 i saw him yesterday, as it happens.; it so happened that i saw him yesterday. 我碰巧找到了一直在找的东西。 i happened on just the thing i'd been looking for
- 碰见: meet unexpectedly; run into; encounter; chance upon; tumble in; come across; meet with; bump into; come upon [on]; run across; alight on [upon]; fall in with; light upon [on]; fall across; fall among 我在图书馆碰见了她。 i ran into her in the library
- 偶然,碰巧: by chance; bychance