碟: small plate; small dish; sau ...盘: tray; plate; dish皿,碟,盘: dish盘,碟,一道菜: dish碟: 名词(盛菜或调味品的器皿) small plate; small dish; saucer; tray 一碟炒黄豆 a dish of fried soya beans; 我吃了两碟冰淇淋。 i ate two dishes of ice cream a盘: a disk盘: Ⅰ名词1.(盘子) tray; plate; dish 茶盘儿 tea tray; 瓷菜盘 china dinner plate; 木盘 wooden dish; 陷饼盘 pie plate2.(形状或功用像盘的东西) sth. shaped like or used as a tray, plate, etc.; disc 秤盘 the pan of a steelyard; 磨盘 millstone; 棋盘 chessboard3.(价格; 行情) market quotation; current price 开盘 opening quotation; 收盘 closing quotation4.[体育] (比赛中的一局、一场) game; set 下一盘棋 play a game of chess; 以六比零胜了这一盘 win the set in six straight games5.(姓氏) a surname 盘铭 pan mingⅡ动词1.(回旋地绕) coil; wind; twist 把绳子盘起来 coil up the rope; 盘山小道 a winding mountain path; 莫干山上下都是一十八盘。 there are eighteen hairpin bends on the way up mogan mountain. 蛇能将身子盘起来,或者盘在树枝上。 a snake can coil itself up or coil around a branch.2.(垒、砌、搭炕或灶) build 盘炕 build a kang; 盘灶 build a brick cooking range3.(仔细查问或清点) check; examine; interrogate 盘根究底try to get to the heart of a matter4.(转让工商企业) transfer 盘店 transfer the ownership of a shop5.(搬运) carry; transport 盘运货物 transport goodsⅢ量词: 两盘磁带 two spools of tape; 两盘肉 two plates of meat; 一盘菜 a dish; 一盘磨 a mill; a millstone; 一盘香 a coil of incense唱盘,碟: disk浅盘;碟: traya盘, q盘: a disk唱盘,唱片,碟: disc肥皂缸[碟]。: soap dish光 碟 机: optical fiber bundle硬 磁 碟: hard diski盘: i diskj盘: j bandq盘: a disk; q bnadrayleigh盘: rayleigh discu盘: usb flash drivez盘: telophragma盘,盘形: disco盘,托盘: tray小环, 盘: orbiculusi盘, 明板, j盘: i diskj盘, 明板, i盘: isotropic disk