Supporting technology of high - stress fractured - rock in roadway 高应力碎裂岩体巷道支护技术研究
Study on the deformation and support of weak rock mass roadway in the jinchuan nickel mine 金川高应力碎裂岩体巷道变形与支护技术研究
However , there are joints without any tectonites at the end of the two main faults 而乌龙沟断裂南端和紫荆关断裂北端是缺少碎裂岩带的节理带。
Zijingguan fault zone is characterized with cataclasite series of tectonic rocks and joints alongside the deformational zone , and sometimes with uniclinal flexure or folds . the intensity of deformation increases from the sides to the center of the fault in the section , which appears from joints to cataclastic rocks 紫荆关断裂带两主断裂变形带以碎裂岩系列构造岩和节理带组合为特征,局部出现挠曲和褶皱,由两盘至断裂中心变形强度增大,一般由节理带过渡为碎裂岩带。
The fault controlled the magmatism and metallization relevant to the contact zone , and deformed successively and produced cataclastic rocks and two sets of joints ; the second stage was from late cretaceous to eocene . the fault zone deformed right - laterally under ne - sw striking transtention , and new joints zone was produced at the end of the two main faults because of local stress concentration . the fault produced inchoative cataclastic rocks , and two sets of typical joints in plutons ; the third stage of deformation was relatively faint and only a little of microcracks was produced and infilled with vei ns in the deformed rocks , which was during the himalayan movement 其后的继承性活动在断裂带内形成碎裂程度最强达到碎裂岩的碎裂岩系列构造岩,变形带两侧发育两组典型的共轭剪节理;第二次在晚白垩世?始新世,断裂在北东?南西向近水平挤压作用下右行张扭性活动,断裂带两主断裂在斜列重叠的端部由于局部应力集中进一步扩展形成节理带,而断裂在岩体区也发育两组典型的共轭剪节理,断裂内形成初碎裂岩为主的构造岩;第三次是喜山期以西侧抬升、东侧下降的强烈升降为主的活动,在基岩中,主断层两侧围岩出现微破裂。