确定: define; fix; determine; asce ...进货: stock with goods; lay in a s ...及: reach; come up to保持: keep; hold; retain; maintain ...其: his记录: take notes; record预定进货额: purchase commitments进货与出货: imports and exports收货及保管部门: receiving and storing department进货及存货预算: purchasing and stock budget保持其领先地位: keeps its leading role存货及保安措施抽查: surprise stock and security check来确定进度情况: eva采样及保持转换器: sample and hold commutator获得及保持成本: acquisition and continuity costs取样及保持放大器: amplifier, sample-and-hold (sha); sample-and-hold amplifier (sha); sampleandhold amplifierer追踪及保持放大器: amplifier, track-and-hold (tha)买入期货及卖出货(基差空头客): short of the basis向心滚针及保持架组件: radial needle roller and cage assembly电子亲合势(原子保持其离子电荷的亲合势): electron affinity保持记录: hold record; keea record of; keerecords; maintain records; maintenance of record记录保持: maintaining records; record keeping记录保持者: record-holder其记号: grammalogue出货: d/y delivery; shipment