The prevention and control on spontaneous combustion of sulfide ores are always the main safety problem for sulfide ore deposits 摘要硫化矿石自燃的防治一直是含硫矿床面对的主要安全问题。
It is very important to exactly measure the spontaneous combustion tendency of sulfide ores in order to protect the safety of miners ' life , maintain the normal production of mine and make good utilization of the natural resources 准确地测定硫化矿石自燃倾向性,对保护工人生命安全、保证矿山正常生产、充分利用矿产资源等具有十分重大的意义。
By roundly and systematically analyzing the existing measurement techniques , this paper introduces a reliable technique of spontaneous combustion tendency of sulfide ores in laboratory measurement and expounds each process concretely 通过对现有硫化矿石自燃倾向性测定方法进行全面而系统的分析,介绍了一种可靠的硫化矿石自燃倾向性的实验室测定方法,并对每一个步骤做了具体的阐述。
Abstract : for the high arsenic sulfide gold ore of a mine in tongling , anhui , a scheme of preferential separation of gold is suggested , in which bleaching powder is used as the oxidizing agent for separating arsonopyrite from pyrite and good separation perfermances can be achieved 文摘:针对安徽铜陵某矿含金高砷硫化矿石,提出了优先选金方案,采用漂白粉作氧化剂使毒砂与黄铁矿分离,取得了较好的分选指标。
Evaluating the effect of the inhibitor for the oxidation of sulfide ores has been a challenge . a new laboratory evaluation method ? ? oxidation weight increase is explored for the first time and has achieved good results when used in practice , which has verified its feasibility and efffectiveness 硫化矿石氧化阻化材料的性能评价是一个难题,本文首次探讨了一种实验室评价的新方法? ?氧化增重法,并将该方法应用于实际,取得了良好的效果,从而验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。