硝酸盐: nitrate; azotate和: mix; blend胺: amine的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...存储: memorizing; storage; memory; ...标准: standard; criterion; benchma ...硝酸纤维素塑料的存储标准: code for the storage of pyroxylin plastic有机过氧化氢物的存储标准: code for the storage of organic peroxide formulations在农田或偏僻区域的易燃液体的存储标准: standard for the storage of flammable and combustible liquids at farms and isolated sites杀虫剂存储标准: code for the storage of pesticides硝酸盐和氯化物浓度: nitrate and chloride concentrations数字行存储标准转换器: digital line store standard converter烟雾品生产和存储标准: code for the manufacture and storage of aerosol products扩展的存储器标准: xms extended memory standard存储标志: sm storage mark; storage mark液体和固体氧化剂存储标准: code for the storage of liquid and solid oxidizers记录存储标记: record storage mark表的存储: list storage目的存储器: destination memory资料的存储: storing of information锂的存储: standard for the storage handling processing and use of lithium metal; standard for the storage, handling, processing, and use of lithium metal柠檬酸盐和葡萄糖: citrate and dextrose; phosphate其他草酸盐和酯: other oxalic acid salts & esters镁颗粒和粉末的存储、处理和处置标准: standard for the storage, handling and processing of magnesium solids and powders硝酸盐硝酸酯: nitrate