The intense eluviation and weathering of soil with groundwater and run - off result in the enhancing of capacity of transference of some elements , such as si , al , fe , mn . the chemical reactions of the colloid particles in the soil water make those crannies or holes filled by some epigenetic clay minerals and quartz . then a great deal of white reticulate clay comes into being in the quaternary laterite of the dongting basin 地下水和地表水强烈的淋溶作用使土壤中硅铝铁锰等元素的迁移能力增强,土壤胶体粒子之间的化学反应,使得这些孔隙空间在后期逐渐被次生黏土矿物和石英所充填,最终,在洞庭盆地第四系红土地层中形成大量的蠕虫状和根状白色网纹。