破窗而入: leap in through the window的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...窃贼: thief; burglar; pilferer他破窗而入: as he came into the window越窗而入: leap in through the window盗珠宝的窃贼: a jewel thief朋友是时间的窃贼: friends are thieves of time; friends must part手段高明的窃贼: a master thief〔俚语〕(由屋顶潜入的)窃贼。: cat burglar擅于从别人口袋里偷取物品的窃贼: a thief who is skilled in stealing items from other people’s pockets窃贼: thief; burglar; pilferer 窃贼弃脏 waif跳窗而逃: leap out through the window and escape越窗而逃: escape through the window破窗解咒: cellofan - med dø破窗理论: break pane law大窃贼: voleur, le (the thief of paris)窃贼,小偷: thief夜盗,窃贼: burglar夜窃贼: burglar挨身而入: force [elbow; shoulder; push] one's way in昂然而入: step grandly in [into]; come in walking proudly; enter in a stately manner趁虚而入: avail oneself of the opportunity to get [go] in乘机而入: avail oneself of the opportunity to get in乘隙而入: take advantage of the crack and enter; get in through the crack; seize the opportunity and enter乘虚而入: take advantage of a weak point; advance when the enemy's defenses are weak; enter, taking advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness; get a chance to step in; infiltrate by taking advantage of the other side's unpreparedness; act when one's opponent is off guard; break thorough at a weak point; exploit a weak point