破击: attack and destroy; wreck; s ...敌人: enemy; foe的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...攻击敌人的翼侧: attack the enemy in the flank截击敌人的轰炸机: intercept the enemy's bombers运费低廉的交通线: diffuse route攻击敌人的导弹设施: attacking the enemy's missile installations重吨位车辆的交通线: heavy-tonnage lines of communications交通线: communication lines; lc; line of communication; lines of communication {= loc; lines of communications; traffic line侧击敌人: attack the enemy in the flank痛击敌人: attack the enemy mercilessly come in contact with追击敌人: pursue and attack the enemy开枪还击敌人: fire back at the enemy炮击敌人阵地: shell the enemy positions车站交通线: open lineopen track地下交通线: intestinal route海上交通线: nc; sea lane; sea route; sea-line交通线标: traffic marker交通线路: access route; line of traffic交通线涂料: traffic line paint空中交通线: airline s of communication; airlines of communication水陆交通线: land and water communication lines主要交通线: highway敌人的: hostile从背后袭击敌人: attack the enemy from the rear