Research reactors , assurance program requirements 研究性反应堆质量保证程序要求
Low flux research reactor 低通量研究性反应堆
Almost each new constructed research reactor had installed cns with the reason that cold neutron scattering experiment is the outstanding in neutron scattering experiment research 中子散射实验研究中尤以冷中子散射实验更为突出,因此,几乎所有新建或改建的研究性反应堆上都设有冷中子源系统。
研究: study; research性: nature; character; dispositi ...反应堆: pile; reactor低通量研究性反应堆: low flux research reactor小功率研究性反应堆: low-power research reactor; low-powerresearchreactor生产性反应堆: producing reactor实验性反应堆: experimental reactor; pilot reactor试验性反应堆: pilot-plant reactor; pilotreactor研究反应堆: research reactor高浓缩性反应堆: high enrichement reactor英国实验性反应堆: bepo || british experimental pile operation反应堆研究所: institute for reactor research; irr研究用反应堆: research reactor沸腾式实验性反应堆: borax || boiling reactor experiment氧化铍实验性反应堆: bore || beryllium oxide reactor experiment锂冷却式实验性反应堆: lithium cooled reactor experiment研究性试验: investigation test; research testing; testing for research研究性学习: inquiry learning; project learning; project-based learning研究性着陆: test landing船用研究反应堆: naval research reactor反应堆安全性研究: reactor safety study高通量研究反应堆: high-flux research reactor核子研究反应堆: nuclear research reactor医疗研究用反应堆: medical research reactor医学研究反应堆: medical research reactor