Regardless of the formula, the milled load in the jars must be adjusted so that it is neither too thin nor too thick . 不论配方如何,罐中的研磨料必须调整至既不太稀也不得太稠。
Sub - micron grades with extremely high wear resistance for abrasive materials such as laminated chip board , hard wood , etc 是适合于研磨料(比如电木板、硬木)的加工,具有极高的耐磨性,晶粒度为亚微米级的牌号。
1 resin with bad wetness systems such as epoxy resin , polyester , alkyd , acrylic resin , use compound with the surface active agent , and the thixotropic grind materials can be acceptable . operate as following process : add paint material all kind of resin and the solvent - add the organic bentonite pre - gel , stir enough - add the pigment , stir and disperse enough - dilute 1润湿性比较差的环氧,聚酯,短油酸树脂,丙烯酸树脂等与表面活化剂合用,且触变性研磨料科被接受的情况下,按照以下步骤操作:加油漆和溶剂混合加入有机预凝胶充分搅拌分散加入颜料充分搅拌分散稀释。