码: a sign or object indicating ...禁止: prohibit; ban; forbid禁止: prohibitbanforbid被禁止: forbidden避开,禁止: keefrom从…禁止: be banned from动词,禁止: prohibit否决, 禁止: put a veto upon禁令, 禁止: prohibition禁令,禁止: ban禁止, 取缔: put the lid on禁止”之义: for-禁止,去能: disabling禁止,制止: interdiction禁止,阻止: ban; prohibit禁止;限制: dwell;reside;inhibit禁止的: borbidden; disabling; forbidden; inhibited; inhibitive; inhibitory; interdictory; off-limit; prohibited; prohibitive; prohibitory; unallowable; verboten禁止地: illicitly禁止干: enjoin sb from doing sth禁止令: prohibition; restraining injuction禁止路: road closed to passage禁止门: and not gate; and not-gate; b and not a gate; except circuit; except gate; exception gate; exclusion gate; exclusive gate; inhibit gate; inhibition gate; inhibitory gate; negative a implies b gate; not if them gate; sine junction gate; sine-junction gate禁止模: inhibited mode禁止区: exclusion area; exclusion zone禁止权: restraining power