码: a sign or object indicating ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...数值: numerical value; numerial nu ...编码的数据: coded data上的数值: cielab算出的数值: computed value变换了的数值: transformed value数字的数值的: numberical运动学的数值: kinematische gre kinematic quantity二进制编码的数字: binary-coded digit解释编码的数据: decryption概率的数值估计: numerical estimate of probability减少采样点的数值: reduce the amount of sampling points特征值的数值计算: numerical computation of eigenvalues信息的数值表示: numeric representation of information贮藏量的数值模拟: numerical simulation of coand co2/h2s storage in deesaline aquifers独立于代码的数据通信: code-independent data communication浮点编码的数据精简法: floating-point coding compaction按百分等分分布的数值: percentile代数方程的数值解法: numerical solution of algebraic equation电磁场中的数值方法: electromagnetic fields & micro-wave technology; numerical methods in electromagnetic fields电磁场中的数值计算: numerical calculation in electromagnetic fields; numerical methods in electromagnetic fields电机电磁场的数值计算: calculation of electrical motor & electromagnetic fields -- 遇到挫折的时候,就当是上帝给我们放假长长的假期^_^ long long vacation sunshine; calculation of electrical motor & calculation of electrical motor &electromagnetic fields非线性方程组的数值解法: numerical methods for no-linear system s of equations飞行中能达到的数值: flight margin