

发音:   用"码头面板"造句
  • decking
  • dock slab
  • quay floor


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. And the similarities and differences between the properties of regular wave impact pressure and that of the irregular wave impact pressure are discussed
  2. A new type composite quay - wall panels of steel and concrete with profiled steel used as the stiffeners were proposed to meet special requirements
  3. This paper presents the experimental investigation of random wave impact on piled wharves with different shore connecting structures , also the certification analysis by the numerical simulation results
  4. According to the analysis of the w ave impact pressures on the wharf deck with different shore connecting structures , the effect of different shore connecting structures on the impact pressure on wharf deck is discussed
  5. Based on the experimental results for different wave height , wave period and the relative clearance of underside of the wharf deck , the properties of wave impact pressure on wharf deck are studied . the distribution of impact pressure along the underside of the deck model is analyzed . the influence of different incident wave parameters , structure dimension and relative clearance s / h1 / 3 on the impact pressure is discussed


        码头:    wharf; dock; hoverport; pier ...
        面板:    face-plate; panel; panel boa ...
        码头面:    esplanade; wharf surface
        码头面大梁:    deck girder
        码头面高程:    quay level
        码头面积:    quayage
        码头面纵梁:    deck stringer
        头面:    woman's head-ornaments
        面板:    [机械工程] face-plate; panel; panel board; frontpanel; face ply [veneer]; surface veneer; skin plate◇面板花盘 pfaceplate; 面板开关 panel-switch; 面板调谐装置 front-panel tuning controls; 面板仪表 panel meter
        模头面:    die face
        水头面:    hydraulic head surface
        头面疮:    cephal and facial eczema
        头面间:    head gap
        柱头面:    stigmatic surface
        码头:    1.(停船的地方) wharf; dock; hoverport; pier; shipside; jetty; quay 储油码头 oil wharf; petrol wharf; 浮码头 pierhead pontoon; 那艘船停靠在码头边。 the ship lies alongside the wharf.; the steamer lies at the pier.2.[方言] (商业城市) port city; commercial and transportation centre 跑码头 travel from port to port as a trader; be a travelling merchant; 码头搬运工 dockwalloper; 码头泊位 quay berth; 码头到户 [门] pier-to-door; 码头调车机车 dockside switcher; 码头费 wharfage; dock charge; dockdues and charges (包括税捐及停泊费等); jettage dockage; 码头工人 dockman; dock hand; stevedore; longshoreman; 码头管理站 administration office; 码头集装箱起重机 portainer; 码头交货 ex dock;ex pier; ex quay; ex wharf; at the dock; at wharf; 码头交货价 ex pier; ex quay; ex dock; free on quay; 码头交货条件 ex quay terms; 码头捐[税] dock dues; wharfage; pierage; pier dues; quayage; 码头雷达 jetty mounted radar; 码头起重机 quay crane; 码头区[沿岸] quayside; 码头设备 pier facilities; terminal facilities; 码头收据 dock receipt; 码头司号工 railman; 码头外端 pierhead; 码头栈单 dock warrant; 码头重量记录单 dock weight note; 码头主任[人] wharfinger; 码头装卸工 longshoreman; 码头装载 block stowage
        电极头面积:    tip area
        黑头面泡:    blackhead
        酵头面包:    sourdough bread
        六刀头面刨:    6-head matcher
        狮子头面:    meatball noodle
        石头面层:    dallage
        头面的, 颅面的:    cephalofacial
        头面畸形:    cephalofacial deformity; dyscephaly
        头面肌瘫痪:    cephaloplegia
        头面间隙:    head gap


  1. "码头旅客接待员"英文
  2. "码头码头"英文
  3. "码头码头费"英文
  4. "码头门"英文
  5. "码头面"英文
  6. "码头面大梁"英文
  7. "码头面高程"英文
  8. "码头面积"英文
  9. "码头面纵梁"英文
  10. "码头内运输车"英文


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