Based on ore material sources , metallogenesis , occurrences , ore formation and wall rock alteration of gold ore deposits in the northest jiangxi province they are classified into four types i . e . magmatic hydrothermal gold deposit , volcao - subvolcano hydrothermal gold deposit , multi - sources hydrothermal gold deposit and heat underground water ( brine ) infiltrating gold deposit and 8 sub - types and the geological characteristics of the deposits are described and ore - forming control of sedimentary formation , structure and magmatic rocks on the formation of gold ore are summarized and gold ore - searching directions in the northeast jiangxi province are pointed out 依据成矿物质来源、成矿作用、矿床产出条件、矿石建造和围岩蚀变等因素,将赣东北地区岩金矿床划分为岩浆热液类、火山次火山热液类、多源热液类和地下热(卤)水渗滤类等4类8型,分述了各类(型)金矿成矿地质特征,总结了沉积建造、构造和岩浆岩对区内金矿的控制作用,指出了赣东北地区金矿找矿方向。