石: dan,a unit of dry measure fo ...风: wind丹: red石风: ishikaze石风英: fengying shi钻石风: henry currant root; szechwan sabia root and stem赤游风丹: migrant erysipelas; wandering erysipelas滚石风云: stoned聚醚石风: polyethersulfone岩石风化: rock decay; rock rot; rock weathering; rockweathering钻石风云: diamonds in the rough岩石风化程度: degree of rock weathering岩石风化系数: alteration coefficient of rock岩石风化作用: rock weathering石灰石风化而成的红土: terra-rossa工程地质及勘察岩石风化程度: degree of rock weathering石缝中植物: chasmophyte石峰里: sokbong ri; sokbong-ri石奉天: shi fengtian石峰: feng shi; fung shek石凤歧: fengqi shi石枫: clubmoss石佛洞: cave of stone baddha石丰瑜: michael shih