Wei changjiang hao pengwei shi qingyun 韦长江,郝鹏威,石青云
Hua xiansheng shi qingyun 华先胜,石青云
Or on coarse wool cloth , and sometimes on silk for precious ones . the base of the painting is prepared using a paste of animal glue and fine lime . after the paste dries , carbon and paints using natural mineral and plant colors , such as yellow , mineral green , azurite and cinnabar , are applied 唐卡,即布画,是藏传佛特有的一种绘画艺术,一般以亚麻布或粗毛布为底布,较为珍贵的由以丝绸为底布,涂以动物胶和细石灰调合而成的糊状物,干燥后用木炭条起稿,然后以石黄石绿石青朱砂等不透明的矿物和植物质颜料着色。