In southeast coastal region of china , many places still widely spread granite eggs , by analyzing the shape of eggs and spread rule , we may judge the birth reason and find the birthplace ? meteorite crater 在祖国的东南沿海地区,许多地方仍广泛分布着花岗岩石蛋,通过这些石蛋的形态和分布规律的分析,可以分辨它们生成的原因和找到它们的“出生”地如? ?陨石坑。
Take number one ringed mountain as an example , the typical and intact meteorite crater are formed by kilometers mountains as center , the granite eggs spread on and inside the mountains , this area connects the plainly opened land , and stretches to other ringed mountains nearby 以一号环形山为例,典型而完整的陨石坑是由若干平方公里的山体组成中心区,山上和山体内分布着花岗岩石蛋,该区连接着平缓的开阔地带一直延伸到周边的环形山。
For example from the northeast outskirt of guangzhou city to boluo county , huizhou city , the granite eggs are regularly and widely spread , and some rare mineral water source are found as well , the qingyuan city , northwest region of guangzhou center appears clear structure of ringed mountain 如:广州市区东北郊区一带到博罗县接壤处满山遍野有规律的广泛分布着许多花岗岩石蛋,市区内也发现了若干珍稀矿泉水源,广州市中心西北方向清远市一带显现了清晰的环形山地貌构造。