石: dan,a unit of dry measure fo ...肠: intestines酸: acid石肠: ishiwata香肠酸菜: german sauerkraut石超: shi chao石巢蜂: mason bee石长生属植物: adiantum石彻白: ichinoshiro; ishidoro; ishidoshiro; itoshiro石长生: adiantum monochlamys; maidenhair石晨: chen shi石场弃渣: quarry waste石沉大海: like a stone dropped [sank] into the sea ― no echo; (like) a pebble dropped in the sea; as if a stone were sunk in the deepest bottom of the sea; (it was as though) a stone were dropped in the bottomless ocean.; can't be found; disappear like a rock dropped into the sea; fail entirely to attract any attention; never to be seen or heard of again; without a trace石场: block fields; dun morogh coldridge valley gol'bolar quarry xxxx; dun morogh coldridge valley golbolar quarry xxxx; ishiba; shichang